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JMM 7, Fall/Winter 2008, section 8

in the Area of Music-and-Meaning Studies


Aldridge, Gudrun & Aldridge, David (2008). Melody in Music Therapy: A Therapeutic Narrative Analysis. Jessica Kingsley Publishers. [comment]
Altenmüller, Eckart (2009). Vom Neandertal in die Philharmonie: Gehirn, Musik und Evolution. Spektrum Akademischer Verlag. [comment]
Birdsall, Carolyn & Enns, Anthony (2008). Sonic Mediations: Body, Sound, Technology. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. [comment]
Bruno, De Florence (2008). Musique Semiotique et Pulsion. L'Harmattan. [comment]
Gilbertson, Simon & Aldridge, David (2008). Music Therapy and Traumatic Brain Injury. Jessica Kingsley Publishers. [comment]
Hirst, David (2008). A Cogntive Framework for the Analysis of Acousmatic Music. VDM Verlag. [comment]
Jäncke, Lutz (2008). Macht Musik schlau? Neue Erkenntnisse aus Neurowissenschaften und der kognitiven Psyhcologie. Verlag Hans Huber. [comment]
Kerer, Manuela (2008). Musik im erkrankten Gehirn. VDM Verlag. [comment]
Kuhl, Ole (2008). Musical Semantics. Peter Lang Publishing. [comment]
Malloch, Stephen & Trevarthen, Colwyn (eds) (2009). Communicative Musicality: Exploring the basis of human companionship. Oxford University Press. [comment]
Mazzola, Guerino & Cherlin, Paul (2009). Flow, Gesture, and Spaces in Free Jazz: Towards a Theory of Collaboration. Springer. [comment]
Spampinato, Francesco (2008). Les Métamorphoses du Son. Matérialité de l'Ecoute Musicale. L'Harmattan. [comment]
Stone, Ruth (2007). Theory for Ethnomusicology. Prentice Hall. [comment]
Styhre, Alexander (2008). Perception and Organization: Art, Music, Media. Palgrave Macmillan. [comment]